The Importance of Learning a Foreign Language

Starting to learn a foreign language from a very young age allows for the establishment of solid auditory and phonetic foundations during a period when children are more perceptive, leading to greater ease in language acquisition.

English *

  • Courses designed for children, adolescents, and/or adults for whom English is not the first language, and who need it to navigate daily life situations and improve their communication skills.

  • Courses in groups of up to 10 people or individualized sessions.
  • Corporate training with specialized programs tailored to each sector.
  • Intensive courses and language immersion programs.
  • Stays in the country of origin.
  • Preparation for Cambridge, Trinity, or Official School of Languages exams.

Different language levels for students aged seven to twelve years: Young Learners divided into three levels: Starters, Movers, and Flyers; and for teens and adults: KEY, PRELIMINARY, FCE, CAE, PROFICIENCY, and BUSINESS ENGLISH.

Three tests are conducted: reading and writing, listening comprehension, and conversation.

These certifications enable you to validate your level for university admission and interact effectively in a professional context.

Skills developed include handling and communicating in both oral and written everyday situations.

Anglès *

  • Cursos destinats a nens, adolescents i/o adults per als quals l’anglès no és la primera llengua, i la necessiten per desenvolupar-se en situacions de la vida quotidiana i perfeccionar la seva comunicació.
  • Cursos en grups de màxim 10 persones o individualitzats.
  • Formació per empreses, amb programes especialitzats a cada sector d’activitat.
  • Cursos intensius i d’immersió lingüística.
  • Estades al país d’origen.
  • Presentació a exàmens de Cambridge, Trinity o l’Escola Oficial d’Idiomes.

Diferents nivells de llengües per a alumnes de set a dotze anys: Young Learners dividits en tres nivells Starters, Movers i Flyers; i per a joves i adults KEY, PRELIMINARY, FCE, CAE, PROFICIENCY i BUSINESS ENGLISH.

Es realitzen tres proves: lectura i escriptura, comprensió auditiva i conversa.

Aquestes titulacions permeten poder acreditar el nivell per a la Universitat Interactuar eficaçment en un context professional.

Habilitat per manejar-se i comunicar-se en situacions quotidianes orals i escrites.

French *

Courses for children, adolescents, and/or adults for whom French is not the first language, and who need it to navigate daily life situations and enhance their communication skills.

Preparation for Alliance Française or Official School of Languages exams. Various levels of DELF (A1-A2-B1-B2) and DALF (C1-C2) recently redefined. Exams and evaluations are conducted according to the linguistic policy developed by the Council of Europe. Four tests are administered: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, oral production, and written production.

These certifications enable access to university education in French, effective interaction in a professional context, and direct access to French culture and civilization.

French *

Courses for children, adolescents, and/or adults for whom French is not the first language, and who need it to navigate daily life situations and enhance their communication skills.

Preparation for Alliance Française or Official School of Languages exams. Various levels of DELF (A1-A2-B1-B2) and DALF (C1-C2) recently redefined. Exams and evaluations are conducted according to the linguistic policy developed by the Council of Europe. Four tests are administered: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, oral production, and written production.

These certifications enable access to university education in French, effective interaction in a professional context, and direct access to French culture and civilization.

Study techniques

  • Courses in groups of up to 8 people
  • Individualized monitoring of each student’s academic curriculum.
  • Courses for students from early childhood (starting from I3) through Primary, Secondary, and High School.
  • Regular follow-up with families, teachers, and professionals involved in the student’s education and training.
  • Intensification of core subjects (Catalan, Spanish, and Mathematics) and application of various study techniques tailored to the subjects, including tracking the school agenda and working on organization, task prioritization, and study time management.
  • Enhancing academic performance and maximizing students’ learning abilities to work independently as they progress in their learning level and improve their academic results.

Study techniques

  • Courses in groups of

    up to 8 people

  • Individualized monitoring of each student’s academic curriculum.
  • Courses for students from early childhood (starting from I3) through Primary, Secondary, and High School.
  • Regular follow-up with families, teachers, and professionals involved in the student’s education and training.
  • Intensification of core subjects (Catalan, Spanish, and Mathematics) and application of various study techniques tailored to the subjects, including tracking the school agenda and working on organization, task prioritization, and study time management.
  • Enhancing academic performance and maximizing students’ learning abilities to work independently as they progress in their learning level and improve their academic results.


Preparation for Goethe-Institut Exams

Courses designed for children, adolescents, and adults for whom German is not their first language and who need it to navigate daily life situations and enhance their communication skills.

Preparation for Goethe-Institut or Official School of Languages exams.

Various levels: FIT 1 – 2 and Start 1 – 2.

These certifications enable you to validate your level for university admission and interact effectively in a professional context. Skills developed include handling and communicating in everyday situations, both oral and written.


Preparation for Goethe-Institut Exams

Courses designed for children, adolescents, and adults for whom German is not their first language and who need it to navigate daily life situations and enhance their communication skills.

Preparation for Goethe-Institut or Official School of Languages exams.

Various levels: FIT 1 – 2 and Start 1 – 2.

These certifications enable you to validate your level for university admission and interact effectively in a professional context. Skills developed include handling and communicating in everyday situations, both oral and written.


Courses for children, adolescents, and/or adults for whom Catalan is not the first language, and who need it to navigate daily life situations and improve their communication skills.

Preparation for official exams of the Consorci de Normalització Lingüística, an agency under the Generalitat de Catalunya. Levels: A, B, C, D. These certifications officially attest to language proficiency at all levels of learning.


Courses for children, adolescents, and/or adults for whom Catalan is not the first language, and who need it to navigate daily life situations and improve their communication skills.

Preparation for official exams of the Consorci de Normalització Lingüística, an agency under the Generalitat de Catalunya. Levels: A, B, C, D. These certifications officially attest to language proficiency at all levels of learning.

Spanish for foreigners

Courses for children, adolescents, and/or adults for whom Spanish is not the first language, and who need it to navigate daily life situations and enhance their communication skills.

Preparation for official exams of the Instituto Cervantes or the Official School of Languages.

Levels: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced.

These certifications enable access to university programs and public administration positions and officially attest to language proficiency.

Spanish for foreigners

Courses for children, adolescents, and/or adults for whom Spanish is not the first language, and who need it to navigate daily life situations and enhance their communication skills.

Preparation for official exams of the Instituto Cervantes or the Official School of Languages.

Levels: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced.

These certifications enable access to university programs and public administration positions and officially attest to language proficiency.

Extracurricular Activities

CELL has a long history of working with primary and secondary schools in Lloret and the surrounding areas, where we coordinate with PTAs, AMPA, and school management teams to offer extracurricular courses in English, French, and study techniques.

At CELL, we not only conduct the courses but also offer full management services, including advertising, registrations, payment tracking, and overall course administration from start to finish. We also provide monitoring of students, if necessary, in collaboration with teachers and families to ensure each student’s academic progress.

Additionally, at the end of each semester, each group will receive an individualized report detailing the progress of each student, which will be shared with families and/or tutors.

Extracurricular Activities

CELL has a long history of working with primary and secondary schools in Lloret and the surrounding areas, where we coordinate with PTAs, AMPA, and school management teams to offer extracurricular courses in English, French, and study techniques.

At CELL, we not only conduct the courses but also offer full management services, including advertising, registrations, payment tracking, and overall course administration from start to finish. We also provide monitoring of students, if necessary, in collaboration with teachers and families to ensure each student’s academic progress.

Additionally, at the end of each semester, each group will receive an individualized report detailing the progress of each student, which will be shared with families and/or tutors.

All these certifications enable you to validate your level for university admission, interact effectively in a professional context, and demonstrate the skills to handle and communicate in both oral and written everyday situations.

Our Objectives

Objectives We Pursue Daily

  • Communicate orally with attention to pronunciation and intonation.

  • Use the language effectively in various everyday situations.
  • Demonstrate the ability to read and understand different texts suited to the context, and express oneself clearly.
  • Use specific vocabulary appropriate to the level for both oral and written expression.
  • Adopt suitable attitudes and skills towards studying different subjects and languages.

Our Objectives

Objectives We Pursue Daily

  • Communicate orally with attention to pronunciation and intonation.

  • Use the language effectively in various everyday situations.
  • Demonstrate the ability to read and understand different texts suited to the context, and express oneself clearly.
  • Use specific vocabulary appropriate to the level for both oral and written expression.
  • Adopt suitable attitudes and skills towards studying different subjects and languages.
